2013 Theatre Festival

Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi (Cape Town) presents
Written and directed by Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi
Cast: Othello Tyhulu, Nozuko Xorile, Zukiswa Xorile, Mthuthuzeli Galela
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 12 March, 11:00, Golden Arrow Studio; 13 March, 11:00, Golden Arrow Studio;  14 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  15 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 18 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  19 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  20 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  21 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  22 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
When you fly all over Africa, you will see the huge stone circles that used to be the home of our ancestors. Deep in the forests and out in the open plains, you will see dead rotten meat, bones turning to white powder, but you will never see the tusks. The elephant is still paying back its debt to man.
The conflict between man and elephant has been alive since the beginning of time. When man was on his last step of evolution, he began an adventure in domesticating the wild beasts, from the guinea fowl, the warthog, the impala and the zebra to the sweetest of them all, the wildebeest. 
TTM Productions (Mbekweni, Paarl) presents
The Evil Snake
Written and directed by Thando Baliso
Cast: Sindile Msebenzi, Sibusiso Zweni, Thando Wambi, Ayavuya Cekiso, Sydwel Klass
LANGUAGE: isiXhosa and English
Performances: 5 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with Jungle Theatre’s Sister Earth at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 6 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with Jungle Theatre’s Sister Earth at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 8 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with Jungle Theatre’s Sister Earth at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 15 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi’s Memory at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
The play magically explores a story that every child can relate to. A young boy living a fun-filled life is highly favoured by his peers for his good manners, until one day when he decided to go against his mother’s will and his life changes for ever.  The boy finds himself trapped between what’s right and what’s wrong, but all becomes well when he finally decides to accept help from all those who care about him.
It’s provocative and compelling theatre. It asks questions about whether moral rehabilitation is possible, whilst telling an exciting, emotional and, at times, humorous story.
Youth on Top (Khayelitsha) presents
How dare you?
Written and directed by Sive Mvandaba
Cast:  Somila Tayi, Sive Mvandaba
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 5 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio;  7 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio;  11 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
A father and highly respected lawyer lives with his 13-year-old daughter, Okuhle Brain. The father has issues bottled up about his late wife, who cheated on him. As a result he ends up pouring out his frustrations on his daughter, who is later surprised when she finds out that her father is not her biological father.
Sophumelela Theatre Group (Delft) presents
Achilles Heel
Written by Lwanda Sindaphi and Mbongeni Nomkhonwana
Directed by Lwanda Sindaphi
Cast: Harrison Makhubalo, Nomsindiseni Rhoji
Performances: 6 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 8 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio with Artz Cousins Theatre’s A moment when love hurts at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio;  14 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio with Joey Monroe Productions’ Duet in ’n Malhuis at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio
Nandi comes back to claim her soul mate, Magere, who she thinks was taken away by her former best friend, Bianca. Nandi and Magere, who is engaged to Bianca, are trapped in a dilemma.  A quarrel arises after they make love, and Nandi finds it hard to let go.
Issues of betrayal, chauvinism, hate and vengeance emerge as the dialogue continues, and many past events of lust come out. Achilles Heel is magical realism.
Future Line Arts Academy (Khayelitsha) presents
The Playroom
Written and directed by Thando Mzembe
Cast: Luleka Ngcenge, Khanyiswa Mazwi, Mphathi Ngqulu, Aphiwe Livi
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 12 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  14 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi’s Memory at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; , 15 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio with Ubuhlanti’s Barber-man at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio
Three mentally disturbed people are placed in a mental institution. At first glance they don’t look troubled but in the playroom they go through an experience that reveals their madness. Mzamo, the male nurse who is looking after them, also has his skeleton in the closet that comes out at the end. When all is revealed, friendships/relationships are formed.
Ubuhlanti (Khayelitsha) presents
Written and directed by Thembalethu Zwele
Cast: Thembalethu Zwele, Lubabalo Phuphu
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 12 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with the Guest Production at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio; 14 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  15 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with Future Line Arts Academy’s The Playroom at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio
Zolisa is the barbershop owner and is in a wheelchair and Lubabalo is a friend. The two friends show the world that we are all disabled, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, verbally or spiritually. Will Zolisa conquer his physical disability while still mentally disabled?
Jungle Theatre Company (Steenberg) presents
Sister Earth
Written and directed by Ntombifuthi Mkhasibe
Cast: Stacey Franche, Nokubonga Jina, Cebisa Fubesi, Aphiwe Ntulo
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Not suitable for children under 13
Performances: 5 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with TTM Productions’ The Evil Snake at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 6 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with TTM Productions’ The Evil Snake at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 8 March 2013 at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with TTM Productions’ The Evil Snake at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 12 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi’s Memory at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio; 13 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio with Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi’s Memory at 11:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
Jungle Theatre Company's Sister Earth is a coming-of-age story of a rural teenager who moves to a city to start anew. Filled with morals, values, dignity, pride and the law of nature, she holds the key that unlocks her ancestors' guidelines for life.  Subjected to peer pressure and materialism, she loses herself in a city and loses her connection to the earth. Struggling with her journey, she seeks to rediscover natural beauty and acceptance of being oneself.
Kasi Culture (Bellville) presents
Listen to the Silence
Written and directed by Eddie Newman
Cast: Noxolo Bodlani, Luvo Ngubaza
LANGUAGE: English and IsiXhosa
Performances: 5 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre;  6 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre; 8 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre
Listen to the Silence is a play about rape and abuse. The father is invisible, an imaginary person whom the audiences “see” and “hear” through the dialogue and actions of the mother and her daughter. The father has raped his daughter and abused his wife for the past ten years. They decide together to stand their ground and fight for their rights.
Imbawula Theatre Company (Khayelitsha) presents
Ukuqhawuka kweqhina
Written by Khayalethu Anthony
Directed by Khayalethu Mofu
Cast: Thando Mzembe , Andiswa Anthony
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 11 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre;  12 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre; 13 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre;  14 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre
This play is inspired by the hardships of what the real world brings to every young couple out there. If fire cannot freeze, then true love cannot end. At least we like to believe so, but the reality is that life is not a role play, it’s not the movie.
Hendriks (Observatory) presents
Koekie and Desiree
Written and performed by Cassandra Hendriks
Directed by Jared Kruger
LANGUAGE: English and Afrikaans
Performances: 4 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  5 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio with Youth on Top’s How dare you? at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio; 13 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio, with Joey Monroe Productions’ Duet in ’n Malhuis at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio
Koekie is a disgraced comedienne who comes to Cape Town to find a way to deal with her shame and the fact that she may have taken a joke too far. Desiree is an ordinary waitress in an upmarket restaurant in Cape Town and is facing one of the greatest dilemmas of her life.
Joey Monroe Productions (George) presents
Duet in ’n Malhuis
Devised by the cast
Cast: Johannes Selisa, Monray Blankenberg
LANGUAGE: Afrikaans and English
Performances: 11 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with Waseef Piekaan’s Wrongly Accused at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio; 13 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with Hendricks’ Koekie and Desiree at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio; 14 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with Sophumelela Theatre’s Achilles Heel at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio
Two patients are diagnosed with “Walter Mitty syndrome”. Any word can send them off to a fantasy dream world which brings out their split personalities.
Red Light 7 (Plettenberg Bay) presents
Tussen Grafte
Written and directed by Olivia Pika
Cast: Julian v.d. Westhuizen, Olivia Pika, Laurence Cloete
LANGUAGE: Afrikaans
Performances: 4 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with Emuhle All Artist’s Anti-Christ at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio; 6 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with Emuhle All Artist’s Anti-Christ at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio; 8 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
Is there life after death? An interesting tale about two ghosts who find themselves wandering their graves, reliving their final moments and how they came to be. But things drastically change when a stranger comes to their graves knowing everything of their lives and how they lived.
 Artz Cousins Theatre (Pretoria) presents
A moment when love hurts
Written and directed by Sello Amos Maseko
Cast: Kagiso Matlela, Mandla Mebena, Zandile Luces, Thabiso Matlela, Thulani Ragototoane
LANGUAGE: English and isiZulu
Performances: 5 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  7 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio with Youth on Top’s How dare you? at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio;  8 March 2013 at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio With Sophumelela’s Achilles Heel at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio
In the world of power, confusion, fear, hypocrisy and love you’ll find Kagiso and Ursula, who have been stuck in a stagnant marriage for 25 years. The two face their demons while trying to work things out, but instead things get worse as intruders come in to cause more cracks. Lizzy, Kagiso’s concubine, is emotionally blackmailing him with the sin he committed in the past which can compromise him in politics, so to save his political career he chooses to neglect his marriage and attend to his concubine.
The production unlocks doors of hope to those women who have a fear of moving on after an abusive relationship.
Bohemians (Soweto - JHB) presents
T.O. and Ma 7
Written and directed by Malizo Mdekazi
Assistant director: Momo Matsinyane
Cast: Boitshoko Phokaompe, Thabiso Rammala
LANGUAGE: English, isiZulu and Setswane
Performances: 4 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre;  5 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre;  7 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre;  9 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre
T.O. was sentenced to four years in prison for something he did not do. He is released today and later on the very same day he is arrested again.
The play is to educate people, especially teenagers, to choose their friends carefully and focus on the positive things in life … because in life you only get one chance to live and if you associate yourself with bad people you might be in big trouble for the rest of your life.
It is not that you cannot change the life you don’t want to live; it is just that you need to be brave and stand up for yourself, know what you want to achieve, never rely on your friends, because sometimes if your friend sees potential in you he or she becomes jealous and tries by all means to destroy you because he or she is not aware that he or she is also capable of having the very same potential.
Arch Entertainment presents
Written by Phillip Mdikotla
Directed by Mpho Molepo
Cast: Phillip Dikotla
LANGUAGE: English and South African Vernacular
Performances: 4 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre;  6 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre;  7 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre;  8 March 2013 at 13:00 – Masambe Theatre
It’s a story about a young man “Thomas”, who is on a journey back home(Skierlik), to carry the spirit of his diseased wife Anna, and his daughter Elizabeth, who died during a racist shooting years back, to their new house in” Mazista”, before Skierlik is demolished.  But he first has to deal with what made him leave “Skierlik”.  Inspired by a true South African event.
Emuhle All Artists (Durban) presents
Written and directed by Bongani Baai
Cast: Siyamthende Mdluli, Pretty Ncayiyane, Philile Mbili, Nomethembe Khawula, Siphesihle Lele, Landiwe Lele, Zakithi Mavunella
LANGUAGE: English and isiZulu
Performances: 4 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio with Red Light 7’s Tussen Grafte at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio; 6 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio with Red Light 7’s Tussen Grafte at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio; 7 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
You are lost … can your God’s enemy lend you a hand and lead you to your God’s palace?  The truth shall set you free, that’s what they say … How many true stories have you ever witnessed, heard and believed? Only to find that they were lies, misleading, deception and propaganda … Why did they kill Jesus Christ?
How come those who killed him help to spread his word? Anti-Christs are Anti-Christ … they are not against God’s will; they want to be exactly like him.
Waseef Piekaan presents
Wrongly Accused
Written and performed by Waseef Piekaan
LANGUAGE: Afrikaans and English
Performances: 11 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio with Joey Monroe Productions’ Duet in ‘n Malhuis at 13:30 – Golden Arrow Studio; 13 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
Waseef Piekaan from Vocal is Lekka fame, and now Kat and the Kings, stars in his brand-new stand-up comedy show Wrongly Accused. He takes the audience to a courtroom where they meet some strange and wacky people who are accused of a crime. The show is also driven by comic song and promises to be screamingly funny. Going to court has never before been this much fun.
Lingua Franca (Cape Town)
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Cast: Anele Kose, Babalwa Makwethu, Bongeka Qhanga, Koleka Putuma, Lerato Mokobe, Lumanyano Unity Mzi, Lwanda Sindaphi, Mbongeni Nomkonwana, Mfundo Ntobongwana, Zama Qambi, Lwando Bam
Lingua Franca is a poetry movement rooted in the diverse community of Delft. This was a vision by four young poets from this community, Mawande Manez Sobethwa, Ncedisa Jargon Mpemnyama, Lwanda Sindaphi and Mbongeni Nomkonwana, who to wanted help themselves and their peers to mould and shape their gift of putting words together. This society has now grown to extend outside the boundaries of Delft.
Performances: 13 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre; 15 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre
Baba Yaga Theatre (Cape Town) presents
Kitchen Fables in a Cookie Jar
Written and directed by Jori Snell
Cast: Jori Snell
LANGUAGE: Physical Theatre
Performances: 4 March, 10:00, Golden Arrow Studio, 7 March, 10:00, Golden Arrow Studio; 11 March, 10:00, Golden Arrow Studio
Kitchen Fables in a Cookie Jar has a subtle similarity to Alice in Wonderland. It is about a girl’s discovery in a not-quite-ordinary kitchen, where kitchen tools and ingredients come alive and transform themselves into imaginary friends, or weird, sometimes grotesque, creatures of her own fantasy. It is set in the kind of magical/realistic landscapes we get to explore in our dreams.
This non-verbal family performance is theatre for the senses. It creates magical pictures of flying objects, coloured lights, enchanting sounds and delicious smells.
UKAO (Khayelitsha) presents
Worst of Both Worlds
Winner of the 2012 Best of the Zabalaza Theatre Festival
Written and directed by Bulelani Mabutyana
Cast: Lubabelo Nontwana, Thando Suselo
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 11 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre; 14 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre; 16 March 2013 at 20:00 – Masambe Theatre
Tebogo Munyai (Cape Town) presents
Choreographed by Tebogo Munyai
Performed by Tebogo Munyai and Christille Dreyer
Performances: 11, 12 March at 18:30
Tebogo Munyai (Cape Town) presents
Choreographed by Tebogo Munyai
Performed by Tebogo Munyai and Christille Dreyer
Performances: 14, 15 March at 18:30
FRINGE FESTIVAL 9 and 16 MARCH  (Saturdays)
Stars of Tomorrow (Robertson, Nkqubela) presents
Street Kids
Written and directed by Zukiswa Jafta
Cast: Musawenkosi Nyamana, Mzwandile Lisiea, Mnqamlezo Nokheyo, Zandile Mabombo, Zimasa Jafta, Shalton Dywili, Thembinkosi Ntsulele, Alicia Malgas, Ntandokezi Madywambe, Uphile Goba, Lucia Salman, Kwanele Sbefu
LANGUAGE: isiXhosa
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio;  16 March 2013 at 12:15 – Golden Arrow Studio
Le play imalunga nabantwana ababini abaphetheke kakubi ngu tata nomama wabo abangena xesha lemfundo,eyona nto ibalulekileyo kulotata yimfuyo yakhe, kwaye oyena mntu ebemhloniphile lo tata kwakuyiNkosikazi yakhe.
Nangona ibiphila nzima ngulotata, kodwa ke isiphelo salento bebeyenza siye sibajikele sibebuhlungu kubo.
Future Line Arts Academy (Khayelitsha) presents
Championship of Dreams
Written and originally directed by Abongile Kroza (may his soul rest in peace)
LANGUAGE: isiXhosa and English
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 14:00 – Golden Arrow Studio;  16 March 2013 at 14:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
This production takes place in a township known as Enotshe, the notorious township of gangsterism, drug abuse and peer pressure. This piece reveals the fear and broken hearts of parents who have lost or are losing their children because of the useless gang fights happening in the townships.
This piece breaks down the awful story of the Amavato and Amavura gangs that has taken the lives of more than 40 young people in the past five months in Khayelitsha. The piece is told through chorus, intensive movement, and acting. This horrifying story is performed by young children who are experiencing this situation in their township, Kuyasa, which is situated in Khayelitsha.
Bloekombos High (Kraaifontein) presents
When the world turns against me
Written and directed by Mongezi Magwa
Cast: Ntlantla Qoma, Lindiswa, Asandiswa Maliti, Sqwayi Siphenathi
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 11:30 – Golden Arrow Studio, 16 March 2013 at 11:30 – Golden Arrow Studio
Love is the theme; the underlying tone is secrets and lies. The production takes a great look in our new generation as Boitumelo spoils a nice, well-planned dinner by her husband when she breaks the news that she is pregnant, while the man, Olwethu, tells her that there is no way he can make her pregnant, or any other female, for that matter. He forces her to confess about the pregnancy, but she does not reveal the whole truth and the entire story.
Kuyakhanya (Strand) presents
Ukubuya komntu
Written and directed by Mava
Cast: Nosiphiwo Ntetha, Khanyiso Thakoli, Zilungile Goba, Mkhenyiseli Logo, Okuhle Mgengwane, Sibusiso Maranxa, Luntukazi Mgengwane, Anelisa Solani, Mava Silumko
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances 9 March 2013 at 17:30 – Golden Arrow Studio; 16 March 2013 at 17:30 – Golden Arrow Studio
This is a play about a young girl who has given her life and made many sacrifices to bring her father from the evil world.
Sinton Knight Little Theatre (Athlone) presents
Family Chillies
Written and directed by Armina Nordien
Cast: Aqeedah Vardien, Alex Abrahams, Fanaaz Hassen, Mukhtar Jacobs, Lia Jacobs, Ronan Linde, Robyn Wagner
LANGUAGE: Afrikaans and English
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 15:30 – Golden Arrow Studio, 16 March 2013 at 15:30 – Golden Arrow Studio
Two highly competitive Indian shopkeepers with many years of business rivalry face their ultimate showdown!  Morals, values and even customers are compromised in the battle for self-gain.  As the heat increases, the level of respect decreases. Revenge brings temporary satisfaction but at what price?  Family Chillies is a light-hearted comedy that reminds us that things are not always as they seem.
Massive Productions (Mbekweni) presents
The Notebook
Written by Mthetheleli Magqaza
Directed by Lwando Tykolo
Cast: Makinana Odwa, Mthetheleli Magqaza, Anele Maki
LANGUAGE: English and isiXhosa
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 16:15 – Golden Arrow Studio, 16 March 2013 at 16:15 – Golden Arrow Studio
In life we date, love and share some of our precious time given to us by God with our beautiful, handsome and smart partners. It is normal in life for people to love and break up at a later stage. It is normal for people to move on with their lives after a great relationship, so to say. But what happens when your partner moves on from you, just … next to you?
The Notebook explores what can happen in life when you take for granted those small important factors that happen in our daily love lives.
Light of Life (Kraaifontein) presents
Inxeba lendoda alihlekwa
Written and directed by Benny Jack
Cast: Khanyisa James, Busiswa Mpotye, Sonwabo Mpandle, Bulelani Mananga, Wendy Mrali, Snalo Jentu, Snawo Jentu, Zizipho Dubula, Molope Molefe, Ayanda, Zanokhanyo Salmani, Luyanda Nodilinga, Yanga Bitumka
LANGUAGE: English and IsiXhosa
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 14:45 – Golden Arrow Studio, 16 March 2013 at 14:45 – Golden Arrow Studio
The play is about an unrevealed secret which is kept by Nosakhele, not knowing it will come out. It shows that people shouldn’t forget their customs and beliefs and that, as a man of the house, you should know the identical similarities that the whole family have.
New Born Theatre (New Crossroads) presents
Written and directed by Mhlanguli George
Cast: Xolani Pilco, Amtha Mbanyaru, Nozuko Tsmiza
LANGUAGE(S): English
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 18:15 – Golden Arrow Studio; 16 March 2013 at 18:15 – Golden Arrow Studio
Letters is a love story about a man who’s been in jail for years and is having an affair with his wife’s sister. The story deals with natural feelings and created feelings and the value of families and outsiders to the family, and also how the secrets can be dangerous.
Bridge Town Theatre (Athlone) presents
Four Weddings en n’ Janaazah
Written by Cassiem Abrahams
Directed by Riedwaan Damon
Cast: Fowzia Khan, Shamiel Rorich, Ilhaam Ockards, Shariefa Wagner, Wardah Salie, Zamile Majola, Meagan Booysen, Danay Moolman, Carly Rhoda,
LANGUAGE: Afrikaans and English
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio, 16 March 2013 at 19:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
Four weddings en n' Janaazah is about what happens  when a vulnerable 40-year-old woman discovers that her breadwinning husband has married three other women whilst on a so-called "working contract" in London. So she decides to take a stand and claim what's rightfully hers
Janeska Rademan (Piketberg) presents
Hester se befokels
Written and performed by Janeska Rademan
LANGUAGE: Afrikaans
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 10:45 – Golden Arrow Studio
An amazing performance by talented actress Janeska Rademan portraying Aunty Hester with the ups and downs of her daily life and all the gossip of the town.
ComNet (Piketberg) presents
Kinders van die Asgat
Written and directed by Angelo Cloete
Cast: Mario Hess, Randall Isaacs, Juliana Boer, Jernay Arendse, Lorenzo Samson
LANGUAGE: Afrikaans
Performances: 16 March 2013 at 10:45 – Golden Arrow Studio
Community theatre at its best, Kinders van die Asgat showcases the social ills of a community and how they affect our youth. These ills are seen through the eyes of the youth
Inferno Fusion (Knysna) presents
Written and directed by Mandisa Litoyi
Cast: Nombulelo Ngaka, Yoliswa Mbo Mbo, Pheliswa Duba, Noxolo Matlela, Thabiso Newnem, Siyabilele Zane, Likhoza Luningo, Asanda, Lebo, Thembinkosi, Sizwe, Meli
Performances: 9 March 2013 at 10:00 – Golden Arrow Studio
Nothemba is a single parent, unemployed, and the breadwinner in her household. She feeds her family and pays school fees from the income she gets from her little stall at the corner of the street. The local municipality of Knysna kicks her out of her house and shuts down her stall. A 15-year-old young girl, an orphan, from a small farm called Joubertina, experiences city life first hand through her mother’s friend (whom she stays within Knysna) pimping her to an older guy to make ends meet. Mbali, the orphan, meets a friend that has different life stories to hers. Life in a community called Nekkies in Knysna is the survival of the fittest.
Cape Town Opera and Siyaya present
Popera (music theatre and opera)
The Legend of Nomkhubulwane:  music by Kaylee Esterhuizen and text by Mbali Vilakazi will be directed by Ntombi Makhutshi
Nkosazana: Staged by Bongani Magatyana, composed by Aphiwe Menziwe with a libretto by Thando Doni
Performances: 20, 21, 22 March 2013 at 12:00 and 16:00 in the Concert Hall
Cape Town Opera has teamed up with Nyanga-based theatre group Siyaya to encourage the creation of new short music theatre works dealing with South African stories and heritage. This initiative has assembled two teams of first-time music theatre creators, with guidance from programme mentors Lara Foot and Neo Muyanga. Their new works will premiere at the Zabalaza Theatre Festival 2013, as a double-bill of two thirty-minute pieces.  The Legend of Nomkhubulwane, with music by Kaylee Esterhuizen and text by Mbali Vilakazi will be directed by Ntombi Makhutshi, while Bongani Magatyana stages Nkosazana, composed by Aphiwe Menziwe with a libretto by Thando Doni.

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