Tuesday 12 March 2013

Welcome to 2013 Zabalaza Theatre Festival

The Western Cape Government firmly believes that when one forms appropriate partnerships one is able to enhance access and opportunity. The Zabalaza Festival is an example of a successful partnership which through a commitment to development has created opportunities for local theatre makers to not only showcase their work but to do shows in a setting that promotes skills-transferral, mentoring and sharing.
It is therefore with great excitement that I look forward to the 2013 edition of the Zabalaza Theatre Festival. Since its inception the organizers have striven to not only be innovative but also provide a nurturing environment for young artists. It is gratifying to note that this approach has certainly contributed to the growth of the festival. I am confident that the youth and communities
will once again respond positively and creatively to the festival.
My best wishes to the organizers and the participants. I look forward to experiencing Zabalaza 2013.


The City of City of Cape Town is proud to partner with the Baxter Theatre Centre in bringing the third annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival. This festival is one of the exciting entertainment festivals on the City’s events calendar. It brings together over 200 artists from diverse backgrounds to showcase their talents in drama, poetry, hip-hop and music theatre which is in line with the City’s efforts to build an inclusive city by celebrating our rich cultural diversity.
Since its launch in 2011, the Zabalaza Theatre Festival has evolved into one of the major theatre celebrations in the South Africa. Despite being in its early years, it already attracts emerging artists from all over the country.
This festival provides emerging artists with the ideal platform to launch their successful careers in the creative arts. And I hope that as it continues to grow bigger, it will attract top producers in the creative arts industry to scout for the next generation of the country’s poets, actors and music stars.
The line-up for this year’s festival comprises a series of performances that will enthrall audiences. The City of Cape Town will continue to support the Zabalaza Theatre Festival as best as we can to ensure that it becomes a world-class theatre


Now, more than ever, do we as a society need to engage, and I believe that there is no better or more effective way of doing this than the sharing of the magical space of a theatre. Here the story-teller and the audience become one with humanity, the space becomes the crucible of morality, of scholarship, of thinking, and spirituality. Zabalaza attends to this need.
Over the past three years the Zabalaza project has focused on building relationships, finding partners and gaining trust within the communities of the Western Cape and surrounding areas. It has grown exponentially in numbers and the hope that Zabalaza carries as a platform and home for artists to be seen and heard has become an imperative of the Baxter Theatre Centre at the University of Cape Town.
We are extremely grateful to the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS), who have not only partnered with us in this venture, as our primary funder, but have further contributed to the vision of the Zabalaza programme. Our relationship is key to the future of the festival and its growth. We look forward to the festival; we wish the artists well and thank them for their generosity, courage and commitment. This is a proud moment for the Baxter Theatre Centre at the University of Cape Town.
Enkosi kakhulu.


The success of the Zabalaza Theatre Festival is not made by individuals who are leading it but by artists who take part in our programmes.
When we started Zabalaza we first consulted with artists, community leaders and theatre companies and we informed them that we had been tasked to lead this programme. We asked them questions like, ‘What are the things they would like to see happening at the Baxter Theatre Centre and ‘How did they see the Zabalaza office playing a vital role in their communities?’ The team listened and took this information from the artists and communities into consideration. So, up until today, we continue to listen to fresh and new ideas that artists are coming up with when they visit our office. The Zabalaza team is also growing and I am pleased to welcome our new members, Mandisi Sindo, Mhimhi Mabona and Khayalethu Anthony.

We are happy and proud to have reached so many artists and communities in a short space of time and I hope that the Zabalaza Theatre Festival will leave a lasting legacy to the communities we have reached and the artists who participate in the activities and programmes. Thixo uyanithanda (God loves you).

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